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Hanover Research: Higher Education Programmatic Grant Alerts

Below is a recap of programmatic funding opportunities that were recently announced, nationwide. While these alerts are intended to provide you with a broad-reaching overview of the opportunities available, we certainly want to hear if there are specific opportunities that you would like to pursue. Please let your Content Director know if you have any questions or are interested in learning more. 

Our Grant Alerts dashboard profiles relevant previously announced national-level funding opportunities, which can be sorted by type, agency/funder, and date. Also, your dedicated Content Director and Relationship Director are ready to help with custom research solutions to the challenges you are facing.

Quick Links to Opportunities

These links will take you directly to the websites of the grant opportunities.
For more details, see below.

 Funding Opportunities
Grant Name: Teacher Preparation Grants: Supporting Effective Educator Development (SEED) (ED)
Summary:  The SEED program provides funding to increase the number of highly effective educators by supporting the implementation of evidence-based practices that prepare, develop, or enhance the skills of educators. These grants will allow eligible entities to develop, expand, and evaluate practices that can serve as models to be sustained and disseminated.
Eligibility:  There are no eligibility restrictions.
Dates:  NOIs are due by February 18, 2025.
Grant Name: Humanities Initiatives (NEH)
Summary:  This program accepts applications for the five Humanities Initiatives programs. These programs strengthen the teaching and study of the humanities at institutions of higher education by developing new or improving existing humanities programs, educational resources, or coursework.
Eligibility:  There are no eligibility restrictions.
Dates:  Proposals are due by May 6, 2025.
Grant Name: State and Impact of the Humanities (NEH)
Summary:  This program supports data-grounded research studies that investigate the state, impact, and value of the humanities in the United States. Research designs may be quantitative, qualitative, or mixed, and should involve the active participation of people working in the humanities.
Eligibility:  There are no eligibility restrictions.
Dates:  Proposals are due by April 16, 2025.


We'll be happy to help you find the right grants opportunity for your organization.
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About Hanover Research: Founded in 2003, Hanover Research is a global research and grant development firm. The Hanover Grants practice provides research development, grant writing, and strategic advising support to a wide range of institutions and organizations. Our professionals deliver customized proposal review, revision, and production support, while also helping to align strategic priorities to funding trends and opportunities at all levels. To learn more about Hanover Research, visit